Talkless 1 point ago +1 / -0

IDK why it shows "unavailable" here, just click the link and it works.

Talkless 1 point ago +1 / -0

Statism is the outlet for the ancient base animalistic desire to dominate and enslave others rather than cooperate with them in civilization.

But instead of physical enslavement, statism allows for mass psychological enslavement of societies via their conditioning to believe they have no alternative but to acquiesce to, and yield before, a violent monopoly provider of security.

Talkless 2 points ago +2 / -0

My dad's argument is "But it's CAPITAL who ASSIGNS governments!". So I guess capitalism bad because there can be more rich people assigning/influencing governments and then helping cronies to capitalise more, etc. etc.

Talkless 1 point ago +1 / -0

He's the author of Bitcoin Standard, Fiat Standard, and upcomming Principles of Economics.

Nitter link: https://nitter.net/RickyNeves/status/1646819449201123329#m

Twitter link: https://twitter.com/RickyNeves/status/1646819449201123329

Talkless 1 point ago +1 / -0

That's why there's P2P exchanges, like Bisq. You just send your fiat directly to some selling person, your bank does not know for what.

And clean exchange is motivated by security deposits for BOTH sides, without trusted third party.

It's more like exchanging software rather then exchange per se.

Talkless 1 point ago +1 / -0

Changing existing, entrenched political systems in a peaceful way is a challenging task. If we want to create a freer world with a focus on personal sovereignty, we better try to establish alternative voluntary systems and frameworks. Free Private Cities are such a product. Free Private Cities are not a utopia, but rather a business idea whose functional elements are already known (providing contracted services) and which need only be transferred to another sector, namely that of living together.