How much of the anti war movement focuses on bringing free market principles and peaceful child raising to Yemen?
Is there any responsibility for Yemeni people or is it all up to western people?
It doesn't seem sustainable to lecture amoral people in control of an empire that they shouldn't do this or that.
"Hoppe doesn’t believe bitcoin is money and has never been a fan of the cryptocurrency at least in public." Is this true?
I like Hoppe, but in general the methodology of being a libertarian in academia seems to lead to inconsistencies that aren't exactly minor. The incentives aren't there for course correction compared to a donation based model. With modern technology, academia and think tanks should be relics if libertarians are going to be on the cutting edge of public reasoning.
Since the beginning, libertarians have been critical of politicians. After 200+ years, what has that gotten us?
I saw a meme today with an older couple, followed by their 8 offspring, then 34 grand children, all shining gloriously in the sunlight of each others' company.
That could be libertarians, with a new generation every 25-30 years, at relatively no cost and tremendous upside personally.
We shouldn't badger people with soul-destroying, repetitive horrors going on thousands of miles away that they have no control over. It's not as brave or edgy as libertarians seem to think it is, which is why they're all comfortably on twitter patting each others' backs and pounding their chests in counterfeit glory.
We could have a monopoly on the next generation's great inventors, entrepreneurs, technologists, independent thinkers, negotiators, activists, and lobbyists. Which way, libertarians?
"Take an idea that literally nobody supports and examine the likelihood it becomes legislation. It has about a 30% chance of becoming federal law. Now take an incredibly popular idea — there’s also about a 30% chance of it becoming law. As you will notice from the flat line, this 30% probability is consistent regardless of the level of support it is received by average Americans. This means that the number of American voters for or against any idea has no impact on the likelihood that Congress will make it a law. As the Princeton study itself states: The preferences of the average American appear to have only a minuscule, near-zero, statistically non-significant impact upon public policy.