cutefroggy 2 points ago +2 / -0

Tell them the military is as political as everything else.

cutefroggy 2 points ago +2 / -0

Find another tactic. They'll string you up and no on will care. The USA has to stay in Afghanistan longer.

cutefroggy 6 points ago +6 / -0

All of reddit libertarianism is mostly shit. This win needs to influence consume product and the Donald but this place can be pretty dead. I think I'll post anti war stuff here since it gets little traction there. It's always silly partisan stuff there.

cutefroggy 2 points ago +2 / -0

If you paid enough attention to the election fraud you would know that democrats steal votes from third parties as well as Republicans. Also if you vote libertarian party you sure as hell better be a poll watcher and very involved in the process in general.

Your rights can stand with you all want but this self induced propaganda that the government protects them through the bill of rights is laughable.

cutefroggy 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well yeah he doesn't see how much it drives people to bit coin. So he's right and wrong at the same time. It has no value but it might gain traction and usage regardless. It can't be used like the properties of other things that have been used as money but regardless of that if enough people begin to use bit coin as currency it may change how we purchase things. I'm not actively seeking it but I'll be happy to receive it. That last part of a straw man. When the dollar went completely off the gold standard it retained some strength from it. I don't know what strength the Zimbabwe ever had. There's currently plenty of dollar inflation out there and your argument is one an MMT person would dispute.

cutefroggy 1 point ago +1 / -0

His argument about bit coin due to computer systems and payment systems. It hinges primarily on intrinsic value. Bit coin isn't anything tangible. There can be all the books in the world on it but it doesn't make it a resource you can hold in your hands. So it's not much different than most other currencies in its worth except we need those for taxes. Where are disagree with Peter is even though bit coin isn't much of anything enough people want something other than government fiat and a way to move money other than the current banking system. I can know everything about a digital chair but I can't print it out and sit on it.

cutefroggy 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's hard to have a discussion if you're not precise with your language. How doesn't he understand bit coin? How well do you understand it? I don't know how a block chain works.

cutefroggy 2 points ago +2 / -0

I hadn't thought of that.

Yes, if it wasn't clear the last election proved it. I think I thought even calling myself an ancap that I wouldn't be as certain if I'd vote, but this last election made it clearer than ever that voting doesn't matter.

The USA is a banana republic and should be treated as such and know where your rights currently stand.

cutefroggy 3 points ago +3 / -0

What can a person sell that would make them trustworthy? Wouldyou trust a silver or dog He coin salesman more on bit coin?

Pokemon cards are scarce. Does that make them valuable?

cutefroggy 3 points ago +3 / -0

I think he doesn't understand enough of the arguments for it. Crypto currency has no value and definitely no intrinsic but neither does any other major world currency. He doesn't see just how badly people want decentralised currency they can easily take anywhere.

I Don't think crypto currency is anything at all but if it picks steam I'd gladly take some. I'm sure many are in a similar perspective as me. Might not actively try to get it but might be glad to get it and eager to use it.

cutefroggy 3 points ago +3 / -0

Trump was also limited on who he could hire due the endless Russia investigation and McConnell. These are still problems with government. When it came to foreign policy it is amazing he did anything positive considering much of the foreign policy establishment ignored him. The debt and the economy are his worst points. He deregulated some stuff which was good but the debt is too much. The media as much as they hate him focus exclusively on GDP and unemployment numbers. So that helped him. Ancap is the best solution but let's call it what it is.

cutefroggy 1 point ago +1 / -0

Considering this past election, if you vote libertarian then you'd better have the infrastructure to have poll watchers and everything else need needed or it simply won't matter not that it does now anyways.

cutefroggy 1 point ago +3 / -2

Trump was different. If we didn't get better results from him it was due to a bogus investigation and much of the government wouldn't even listen to him. We Could all agree his national economics were terrible but still he was different.

cutefroggy 4 points ago +4 / -0

It's useful to vote in the right people but that shouldn't be our focus. Spread the message of freedom. A lot of Maga are closer to us than before.

cutefroggy 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think libertarians of different stripes once they figure out how much bullshit elections are still think a bit if an election is worth it or whatever. You get what I mean but the left made sure that elections can never never ever ever be trusted again. If you look at the Donald someone will post something about a future election and someone rebuts it doesn't matter anymore.

cutefroggy 2 points ago +2 / -0

I didn't know what Q really was before a short while ago. It hurt the online the Donald .win movement. Some people focused on Q instead off actual voter fraud. People like Lin Wood made have hurt but the verdict may still be out on him (I think). I think the media latched onto to Q because they pushed so many conspiracy theories over the last couple of years that they needed to divert the attention away from when people may have called them on their bs by saying Trump fans are crazier. Q was most likely a disinfo campaign the whole time by someone who got to understand what Trump Q fans wanted to hear. Most of the Donald now hates Q and whatever Q is or was.

cutefroggy 1 point ago +1 / -0

Can you try to make an example?

cutefroggy 6 points ago +6 / -0

I've never heard radical capitalism. Made up ad hoc nonsense. For some belief in God leads to being an ancap. The state wants worship. Look at the worship of the Capitol Building. It is the modern church.

cutefroggy 1 point ago +1 / -0

Let's say a person breaks a contract with their apartment. Well only enough force is allowed to forcibly remove the person of he won't leave voluntarily once it's clear he has no more right there. I Don't have all the answers. I'm not a legal theorist but I'm trying with this.

cutefroggy 1 point ago +1 / -0

It Doesn't need to be another "land." In a society where everything is privately owned it could be somewhere down the street. You don't make them did anything. Somewhere is willing to accept him. Somewhere will be ready for this type of person who committed crimes. It's not aggression.

cutefroggy 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's like you tried but missed your mark

cutefroggy 1 point ago +1 / -0

Where they go is up to them but if they violated their current contract(s) then they're out.

cutefroggy 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ostracism Many things are under a contract basis. There will be some common things throughout the society such as don't rape or kill. If those are done a person may lose their homes.

cutefroggy 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don't think it'll work without enough disliking the state and looking for peaceful alternatives. Though Look at the Donald. Over the last month they've grown to dislikethe state. The state has truly been revealing itself.

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