12 Gubment proving income tax is unnecessary posted 4 years ago by CCPresidentElect 4 years ago by CCPresidentElect +13 / -1 How else can you explain putting a huge chunk of the population out of work and still being able to increase gubment spending? 3 comments share 3 comments share save hide report block hide replies
I don't think they could do this if the dollar wasn't the world reserve currency, this status essentially allows them to make money out of nothing. European countries have much higher taxes so I'm guessing things would work out differently there
I am not an economist. But I've hard about government being able to go into as much debt as it wants and not have to pay it back - unlike us.
Yeah I'm not an economist either, but MMT is a joke. "JuSt KeEP SpEnDinG oN the DefICiT 5eVeR"