It annoys me when the left says this. The family structure is not socialist. I don't give my wife money and food and board because she points a gun to my "greedy capitalist" head and makes me pay out. I give her money because I love her. Nobody forces me to stay in this relationship, and nobody forces her. If I raped her and said she agreed to it because of the "social contract" that her friends voted on, the jury would laugh me out of the room, and then throw me in jail and toss out the key. No normal relationship acts socialist. Same with our kids. I provide for them and support them because I choose to, not because some asshole points a gun to my face and makes me. Sometimes courts make you pay child support, but that by definition would be a failed relationship, not a successful one. Government programs by their very nature are a failed relationship. Nothing good, normal or whole acts that way. Don't pretend that government is a voluntary agreement, voluntary family, or voluntary community when it is actually just deadly force. The fact that they have to lie like that proves all the more that they are full of shit.
I think you're on the right track, and it sounds like your family dynamic is a healthy one, but what about unhealthy (dysfunctional/abusive/co-dependent) families? If we should fight against abusive government, should we allow fight against dysfunctional family structures that have rape, abuse, and starvation?
The dynamics of government still tends to harm families more than it helps them. Of course, we should fight abuse in all forms. IMHO, the free market tends to help family dynamics. For example, the left often credits government regulations for ending child labor, and getting kids in schools, but the truth is that free market capitalism creating a large middle class was what was really responsible for that.
That I agree on mostly, although if we focused on promoting healthy families, government would become redundant at best. The government has become more "necessary" as families have eroded their moral fiber and faith-based and non-profit groups have abandoned their civic duty to their communities.
It annoys me when the left says this. The family structure is not socialist. I don't give my wife money and food and board because she points a gun to my "greedy capitalist" head and makes me pay out. I give her money because I love her. Nobody forces me to stay in this relationship, and nobody forces her. If I raped her and said she agreed to it because of the "social contract" that her friends voted on, the jury would laugh me out of the room, and then throw me in jail and toss out the key. No normal relationship acts socialist. Same with our kids. I provide for them and support them because I choose to, not because some asshole points a gun to my face and makes me. Sometimes courts make you pay child support, but that by definition would be a failed relationship, not a successful one. Government programs by their very nature are a failed relationship. Nothing good, normal or whole acts that way. Don't pretend that government is a voluntary agreement, voluntary family, or voluntary community when it is actually just deadly force. The fact that they have to lie like that proves all the more that they are full of shit.
I think you're on the right track, and it sounds like your family dynamic is a healthy one, but what about unhealthy (dysfunctional/abusive/co-dependent) families? If we should fight against abusive government, should we allow fight against dysfunctional family structures that have rape, abuse, and starvation?
The dynamics of government still tends to harm families more than it helps them. Of course, we should fight abuse in all forms. IMHO, the free market tends to help family dynamics. For example, the left often credits government regulations for ending child labor, and getting kids in schools, but the truth is that free market capitalism creating a large middle class was what was really responsible for that.
That I agree on mostly, although if we focused on promoting healthy families, government would become redundant at best. The government has become more "necessary" as families have eroded their moral fiber and faith-based and non-profit groups have abandoned their civic duty to their communities.