The reason I didn't hear about y'all before was that I was on a tech hiatus (started June 2020 and technically still ongoing, shh don't tell the folks over at CP.win). Seeing as I'm formatting a phone for a friend so he can use exclusively FOSS down to the operating system, i figured I'd log in here and check on .win. To my glee, there's a community for ancap discussion here. Note that the phone does actually get formatted after this and my tech hiatus is indefinite, so you might not see me for a couple years yet, until I format somebody's PC to install TempleOS or some shit.

Anyway, I wanted to give you a few handy resources and ask a few icebreaker questions so you can get to know eachother better:

If you're coming from the dissident right and HHH was your gateway drug, you already have a lot of what you need, but do NOT underestimate the value of libertarian podcasts like the Tom Woods Show @ tomspodcast.com. Also, be sure to check out Reece's blog, he's awesome on just about everything.

Which region do you come from? What languages do you speak? How's your local mafia doing, and is/are the boss/es any good from a libertarian perspective?

How do you see libertarian debates? I'm not referring to debates between any conclusion of natural law and its incessant rejection, as rejection of natural law is inherently false to begin with, but rather ongoing discussions and competing natural law derivations like abortion, contracts, and what can/cannot be done in terms of strategy.

Do you think language plays a role in thought a la Orwell's 1984? If so, look at the Anglish wiki; wiki.anglish.info, and tell me your thoughts down below

Finally, I wanted ask you about the fediverse, it is in my opinion the past and future of the internet. I personally used matrix for a bit near the start of my hiatus and talked to some excellent folk over at #volchads:matrix.org (or was it volchads:halogen.city? I forget.) so if you want Dissident Right-type discussion and won't shit the pláce up, those are nice guys. Two of them in there actually introduced me to anglish, something which I checked up on again today.

Farewell and see you next IT job. Until then, I have a son to help out with woodwork, so let me get on formatting this thing.