liberpede 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's been a rough stretch.

That's for sure.

I speak my mind on patriots.win pretty freely.

While I am occasionally ridiculed as a silly, naive libertarian, I've found that a well reasoned response based on the principles of Liberty is usually pretty well received. More frequently than not, authoritarian anti liberty bullshit loses the comment voting battle when I lay out fundamental principles for people.

I don't get into the notion of fully abolishing the modern concept of state monopoly of force very often, though.

I occasionally bump into folks there who smell like ancaps...

It felt a little "dirty" at first to cooperate with people who's goal isn't true freedom in the way that I understand it.

But the goal that MAGA pedes are pursuing seems way closer to freedom than we are now. And the MAGA movement is the first I've seen during my adult life that appears to have the strength and fortitude to actually turn around the direction we've been headed.

It feels good to join in the fight with a team that is actually positively affecting the status of our fundamental rights, even if we don't agree 100% on exactly which rights are the end goal.

Or, maybe that makes me a duplicitous pussy who doesn't adequately defend his beliefs...

It's just the best thing I've been able to figure out to do to advance the cause of fundamental human rights and dignity.

Anything you want to talk about?

liberpede 2 points ago +2 / -0

That is an old thread...

I believe that.

I also haven't been hanging out here lately.

In fact, when I tried to view that post, it failed to load for me, 3 times, before I gave up and just replied directly from my inbox...

I can't seem to pull up the ancap .win...

Is there anything going on there these days?

liberpede 3 points ago +3 / -0


My libertarian tendencies blinded me for a long time to the danger of China. You know, economic studies showing that free trade, even with a trade partner "cheating" is the best policy.

That's true, if the trade is solely about economic exchange...

But that's not how China conducts trade. It took me an embarrassingly long time to understand that.

liberpede 4 points ago +4 / -0

Also, you're right, the articles of confederation do seem to have been better. I haven't studied the subject much beyond what I read in my public school textbooks (I was the nerd who would have actually read and thought a little about what they said).

That's something I should learn more about, as a lesson about how people react to newfound freedom, and how they might react to a new society founded on such principles, if nothing else.

liberpede 4 points ago +4 / -0

This is the best answer I've heard or thought of so far...

But I'm left wishing there was more we could do to help our society move in a more moral and sustainable direction.

It's somewhat unsatisfying to think that there are dark days ahead for people I respect and care about, but the best I can do is prepare to protect my family. I guess I'm just a human, and should accept my limitations realistically.

Failure to accept that we can't control everything is one of the primary causes of the statist disease.

liberpede 1 point ago +1 / -0

Next, we just have to figure out how to get millions of white women to post about it constantly.

We just need billions of dollars and control over corporate media.

Someone call Mr Soros, I hear he's got the connections.

liberpede 1 point ago +1 / -0

I haven't followed Stefan much recently...

Is he still an ancap?