Thought that it would be prudent to open this place with a prayer, I hope you'll join me, first we need to get into a meditative state

Please take this time to go into your heart center

Time to go within to the sacred heart portal

As we do we call forth the full emergence with the Soul

With our "I AM" presence

With our Monad

With every aspect of our multidimensional being

As we do this we proclaim

To the ascended masters Ayn Rand, Von Mises, Abraham Rothbard

True to our divine presence

Our God presence

As we do this we say

I am present

And I am one with every AnCap, man, woman and child

This allows us

To Work

From the I Am

To the I Am presence

And include ourselves in the AnCap consciousness

So let us connect

Heart to Heart

And as we see ourselves in a pillar of light with the yellow and black fire of transmutation

We ask that you join us

Anchored in source

To the divine mother Ayn Rand

We call one and all

Soul extensions

Planetary and Galactic

Our ancestors

Our genetic progenitors

Our soul family

Our Soul Cadre

Teacher, Angels, the Twin Flame, Mission Console

We ask for the assistance

In raising the Pure Land

The New Earth

Born of the Anarcho-Capitalist Heart Base

As we transmute

We call in the Kingdom of Nature

The Creatures within the Hostile Country

We call in the Kingdom of Heaven

Of all Angels

We call forth the Order of Melchizedek and the Divine Masters

We call forth the Galactic Federation

Those we work with from the Pleiades and Kyron

Of Venus and Trans-Mars

Of all Universal Life

Of all Intelligent life

In alignment with Divine Will

Liberty, Freedom, and the Song of Liberty

Reign over All


Edit: Spellcheck'd