For further clarification (hopefully) - debate is merely a silly game for the entertainment (and often, manipulation) of the audience/judges. It also often serves to encourage pride/ego in the sycophants who perform in such base pageantry.
It is anti intellectual, and directly across purposes to learning, study, teaching and communication.
For instance - winning a debate doesn't in any way prove/establish a position correct (or vice versa) or effectively communicate that position (should it be correct or not) to anyone else. It may convince (aka manipulate) the gullible onlookers, but that is the best case scenario.
Smart and capable students will always choose earnest discussion and rigorous/diligent (ideally, objective) study over such base pageantry.
So how does one do the more intelligent and diligent route?
Aye, that's the rub.
Firstly, you "just say no". Argument is for idiots, and exhibitionist argument (aka debate) is for groups of idiots. Refuse to engage in any such idiocy, and encourage others to do the same.
Engage only in earnest discussion [rational discourse] and (ideally) objective study.
Sadly, we cannot (and should not) make the decision to do that for anyone else we are speaking with. We can lead them to water, but we cannot make them drink.
Argument seeks to manipulate (aka convince) others into adopting your position. Discussion seeks to exchange your ideas/position with others - ideally who have differing views (because it is both boring, and generally a waste of time to preach to the choir / live in an echo chamber).
Disagreement is not debate/argument; it's what it devolves into when we aren't careful (and often when we allow emotion to get the better of us - including, but not limited to, the pride of "being right" and "proving them wrong") We must be curious, and seek to explore and evaluate other ideas (especially ones that conflict with our own) as objectively as possible through rigorous/diligent study.
My point was what i originally stated.
For further clarification (hopefully) - debate is merely a silly game for the entertainment (and often, manipulation) of the audience/judges. It also often serves to encourage pride/ego in the sycophants who perform in such base pageantry.
It is anti intellectual, and directly across purposes to learning, study, teaching and communication.
For instance - winning a debate doesn't in any way prove/establish a position correct (or vice versa) or effectively communicate that position (should it be correct or not) to anyone else. It may convince (aka manipulate) the gullible onlookers, but that is the best case scenario.
Smart and capable students will always choose earnest discussion and rigorous/diligent (ideally, objective) study over such base pageantry.
So how does one do the more intelligent and diligent route? I have my issues with debate (its taxing), and this has gotten my intention.
Aye, that's the rub.
Firstly, you "just say no". Argument is for idiots, and exhibitionist argument (aka debate) is for groups of idiots. Refuse to engage in any such idiocy, and encourage others to do the same.
Engage only in earnest discussion [rational discourse] and (ideally) objective study.
Sadly, we cannot (and should not) make the decision to do that for anyone else we are speaking with. We can lead them to water, but we cannot make them drink.
Argument seeks to manipulate (aka convince) others into adopting your position. Discussion seeks to exchange your ideas/position with others - ideally who have differing views (because it is both boring, and generally a waste of time to preach to the choir / live in an echo chamber).
Disagreement is not debate/argument; it's what it devolves into when we aren't careful (and often when we allow emotion to get the better of us - including, but not limited to, the pride of "being right" and "proving them wrong") We must be curious, and seek to explore and evaluate other ideas (especially ones that conflict with our own) as objectively as possible through rigorous/diligent study.