x0x7 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hey @MLJFireDragon747. I see you do 90% of the submission of this sub. Nice job keeping the sub alive. Why do they all have a ton of blur on them though?

Come hit me up at https://matrix.gvid.tv. We want to make that site as ancap as possible and you have endless memes.

x0x7 2 points ago +2 / -0

The difference is one is arguing you are not allowed to oppose insanity. The other is attempting to oppose insanity.

But yes, they are 80% the same. People can boycott stuff if they want to.

x0x7 2 points ago +2 / -0

I personally side with any separatist movement. If the people of your country hate you so much that they are willing to fight to get away from you I think it is very clear who the good guys are. All peoples have a right to establish independence and to form their own governments.

Should the US get involved? Maybe not. But we could give Turkey less military support for their support of Azerbaijan in this. We've had many reasons to do so already. And we could inform Azerbaijan that if Russia invades we likely will not do anything, while Russia has shown interest in the past. We at least have those two levers without increasing our involvement in the region.

x0x7 2 points ago +2 / -0

How should we do news better in ancapistan? I don't ask this question to discredit our efforts but we should be the best at self-reflection. What is our plan to mitigate companies just paying to have the population support statism when statism would benefit them.

The answer I want is that people should be smart enough to not be told what to think, and perhaps that is a pre-condition to successful anarcho-capitalism.

But we also need some response to reality and our currently imperfect world.

Maybe there is a Hopp-like solution. He asked a similar question, what is there to prevent people from simply openly advocating, conspiring, and implementing communism in so much as it will benefit them within an ancap community. And his response is that if it is an ancap community maybe they shouldn't be there and maybe not everyone is welcome in every community on the basis of freedom of association and freedom of disassociation.

It may seem like a curtailment of freedom of speech but I think the idea is that your speech is the action it correlates with. A threat is an act of violence. Advocating communism is an act of communism. Conspiring with a mob to rob a house is robbery even if all you ever used were words.

So maybe this is the judgement of the positive mob. That an act of aggression is aggression and can be met with aggression. That advocacy of NAP violations are aggression. And paying for someone to speak for some NAP violations is an attempt to profit from aggression. And that in all cases the positive mob (you and me) have a duty to shun and have even the right to potentially re-aggress these actors.

x0x7 1 point ago +1 / -0

That will hold them over until there is a bigger event. Oh, we have a train derailment now. The UFOs and China got them through the week.

x0x7 1 point ago +1 / -0

I was more interested in forums on Tor.

x0x7 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah. I make a point of not going on telegram. I trust it less than clearnet. Why the hell would I give a phone number to chat anonymously? It makes zero sense.

x0x7 2 points ago +2 / -0

I print guns like they print ballots, or money. Let's see which printer is more valuable.

x0x7 2 points ago +2 / -0

Taxes turn an otherwise worthless piece of paper into a don't go to jail utility token.

x0x7 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well the idea is that unless you satisfy their demands some under-trained moron is going to attempt to shoot you. I'd rather not deal with the situation of a wheel-chair bound dude with a gun threatening to shoot me because the government told him to.

x0x7 2 points ago +2 / -0

So many broken thumbs. They don't care though. They're just cannon fodder. If anyone retaliates they will follow up in an hour or two with real police. They need so many because they are disposable.

x0x7 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well, it's actually a little more depressing: https://gvid.tv/v/1zN6cI

x0x7 3 points ago +3 / -0

Translation: Even criticizing me is a threat to rational discussion.

Reality: Creating a class of people who cannot be criticized no matter what they say creates a threat to rational discussion. And implying that anyone who does is just the dumbest kind of person does that. It can lead us off the rails to tyranny very easily.

x0x7 2 points ago +2 / -0

You don't need criminal law. If there is no victim there is no need for a law. If there is a victim, you can handle it civilly. Criminal law is completely pointless yet ancaps keep trying to come up with private sector versions of it. What's next, private sector taxes, private sector drug laws, private sector nuclear warfare, private sector eminent domain? Private sector cops/criminal law are as useless as all of those things.

x0x7 0 points ago +1 / -1

Where's the anti-semitism? Israel sucks. Having politicians that are shills for another country is worse than having regular politicians, and that's a pretty low bar to get under.

x0x7 5 points ago +5 / -0

Actually you can. They've done it in Somolia. Under Xeer, the courts are voluntary (civil court, arbitrator of last resort). If you don't like civil judgement you can ignore it. But then the court ends its relationship with you and there is no arbitrator of last resort for you and everyone else, so anyone else can just steel from you without consequence.

The court never does anything violent. The court didn't need violence to organize and give opinions. All it needed to do was to be consistent enough that the people voluntarily choose to view it as an authoritative arbitrator of last resort over someone else.

x0x7 1 point ago +1 / -0

Didn't it actually start when the removed price controls on gasoline?

x0x7 1 point ago +1 / -0

Specifically how is this a pre-teen chest. You seem to think about this a lot. Enough that what you said seems to be pretty independent from what's actually posted. You must instead be writing about what's in your head.

x0x7 1 point ago +1 / -0

I will also submit my own solution taking from my prefered form of anarcho-capitalism that does have a centralized civil court of last resort. It is intended to be a general solution but I think we can see how it might also function here, which is based on Somoli system of Xeer.

To me, the main problem with law is criminal law. There is no need for it. If there is a victim a civil case can be brought. If there is no victim it doesn't need to be a public matter. To the extent that victims need justice, actual justice is better rendered by the victim recieving compensation rather than society recieving paying in the form of paying for someone to waste time.

For this reason I suggest not getting rid of the civil system. Many advocate a decentalized civil system, but I suggest a civil system of last resort is usefull for when an agreed arbitrartor can't be found or continued violation of arbitrated orders are ignored.

But would it be voluntary? Yes. Absolutely. Attendence to a civil hearing, or abiding by its findings are completely voluntary. But then why recognize its authority? Because you want there to be a civil court of last resort. If you don't abide by its orders it will do nothing. Precisely nothing. But it will continue doing nothing. If you have a civil issue the court does not recognize you and you lack a civil arbitrator of last resort. That would mean that anyone can do anything to you and there is no system in place to protect you.

Under the Xeer system, punitive damages are set at 3x the recompensitory damages. So if you steel 0.0002btc from me and it can be demonstrated in a court you would then owe me 0.0008btc back. This incentivizes people who will eventually be shown to be in the wrong to settle early, either by making right before its brought to any third party, or by being agreable to adhere to other preliminary arbitrators.

In this case you could make a claim that the crowd is responsible for damages, and use video to identify them. You then could hire someone to hang around the community to identify them and serve them. If the whole community fails to comply their whole community could become unrecognized by the court which would be a bad situation for a neighborhood to be in.

What's great is this system doesn't even require private cops. Cops are for putting people in jail. Are you going to run an anarchist jail? Jails are for criminal law, which doesn't need to exist. Being unrecognized by any civil system is a fait worse than jail anyway and so enforcability of individual rights can be achieved without cops.

x0x7 2 points ago +2 / -0

Now we know where all those workers went. They're at home and or streets getting high to the point of self destruction. Not good for them. And the labor situation in general isn't good for any of us.

x0x7 1 point ago +1 / -0

I still don't think it makes since to buy leases of land form the government, $400,000 to preserve a small patch of trees for $25 years.

It would make more sense if the land was permanently auctioned off. Then the environmentalists don't even have an expense. They have an asset they can sell off at any point to buy other land they value preserving more. And they could convince more 3rd party funders of their project to chip in knowing that it is financially sound.

You then can add recreational elements to it to try to raise a revenue and use the revenue to service loans that could be used to acquire more land.. permanently.

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